

Image description: A white square with a multi-coloured border. Multi-coloured text on the square says "Walk in our shoes" with grey text below "Developed by autistic people with(out) shoes" Credit to The Bullshit Fairy - Autistic Artivist for designing the blog header and this image
This flash blog ran from 1 December 2015 through to 14 December 2015.

Every time media reports about the abuse and/or murder of an autistic child, we are told not to judge. We are told to walk in the perpetrator's shoes. Most of the time, the perpetrator is the autistic child's parent.

But we have shoes too, and no one ever asks anyone to walk in the victim's shoes. 

Help us speak out. Share this blog when you see people demanding that everyone should walk in the shoes of the perpetrator, simultaneously forgetting about the victim.
(Image description: text on a bright blue background says "Walk in your shoes?  when I am asked to walk in the abusers shoes it makes me feel like I am not a human, Is it because I am autistic that people discount me and look to sympathize with the abuser? ABUSE IS ABUSE I am a human being too! - Tina Richardson"
Image description: text on a bright blue background says "Walk in your shoes? When I am asked to walk in the abusers shoes it makes me feel like I am not a human, Is it because I am autistic that people discount me and look to sympathize with the abuser? ABUSE IS ABUSE I am a human being too! - Tina Richardson"